“More than just a class.”

The story of Does it Pencil is the story of increasing your income and your wealth.

To do that, most people need to solve two problems – especially when it comes to investing in real estate. They don’t understand what they’re specifically trying to accomplish, and more importantly, they don’t understand what properties are really worth as investments. These two problems apply to buyers, sellers, and brokers.

Does it Pencil training is designed to solve these problems by teaching you the three elements of investment analysis:

Point of view,
Financial tools to measure value,
Decision making.

We begin with point of view. A clear understanding of what you or a client are trying to accomplish is the first step to successful investing.

The “tools” are a specifically developed set of metrics to understand financial performance of any property held as an investment.

In the end, all transactions are driven by making a decision to buy, hold, or sell. Does it Pencil helps brokers and clients use the point of view and the tools to make the best decisions.

Over 30,000 real estate brokers, appraisers and investors have attended Does it Pencil training. Most have said it’s the best training of its type they have ever attended. The reason is the course design and delivery.

Does it Pencil courses are designed to teach you the skills and what, why, and how of making the right decisions to buy, hold, and sell. Does it Pencil isn’t just a set of classes, it’s a tested learning system that you will use for the rest of your life.

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